My sister is big into cooking. She loves to create different foods and see what people have to say about her cooking. She also loves to have a good time and dance. She decided on having celebrity DJ Chef Mark Weiss come and do her bachelorette party. Although a little expensive, it is a cheaper alternative to renting a limo and spending the night with strangers in the city or something like that.
It looks like it is going to be a lot of fun and the food he is making sounds very tasty. If you have never heard of DJ Chef check-out this website (http://www.fourstarchef.com/home.html) because I had never heard of him before my sister mentioned him to me. Besides being good-looking, he looks like he will put on a good show for us ladies.
Vocabulary –
involvement- to be included, have a say inbachelorette party- a gathering of close friends or family of a bride-to-be, a singles night before she gets married.
country- a genre of music
tossing around- thinking about different things
big into cooking- cooking is something he/she likes to do
celebrity- somebody famous
expensive- costs a large amount of money
alternative- a different choice
strangers-someone that you do not know
check-out-to look at
good-looking- a way of describing a man or a woman as handsome or pretty
Cloze Exercises –
1. As a party for the bride before she gets married, the bridesmaids throw the bride a _________________.
2. The genre of music that is more prevalent in the south is _______________ music.
3. Parental ___________________ in the wedding planning is to give as much support to the bride and groom as possible.
4. My family is _________________ some different ideas for a gift for the bride-to-be.
5. Emeril, a famous chef, could be described as someone who is ____________________.
6. Emeril is a famous _________________ chef.
7. Some men can be described as _______________.
8. When giving a choice one should always give an _______________ choice.
9. It is very __________________ to pay for a wedding.
10. There are so many different websites that you can _________________ to look at different wedding dresses.
11. When two people do not know eachother they are called ________________.
Grammar Point –
Pronouns are used to take the place of a noun. When writing a paragraph and the writer is referring to the same person over and over again, instead of writing the person’s name again and again it is good to replace it with a pronoun.
Edit the Paragraph replacing the nouns with pronouns.
The girl decided to go for a drive around town. Eventually the girl came to a street she did not know. After a while, the girl found a shop that the girl wanted to go into. The girl bought a dress to wear to a party and then the girl began the trip home.
Great post for me! My sister is getting married this summer and I am trying to come up with some ideas for a bachelorette party.