Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Big Day!!! 11/25/09

What a crazy morning! The night before ended in tears nothing but tears. Between friends reuniting and my sister getting married, someone needed to turn off the water-works. There were some more tear the morning of the wedding from the bride over some hair pins, but we got it all figured out in no time.

It truly was a beautiful day after we got through all the crazyness in the morning. The bride looked beautiful and the groom looked very handsome. Of course, I had the hottest date in the whole place (We are so cute!).

We had a cranky ring barrer that did not want to walk down the aisle, and a flower girl that would not let go of her daddy's hand. But the flower girl and the ring barrer made it down the aisle with only a little fight.


reuniting- coming together again
water-works - slang for crying
hottest- best looking, most handsome
aisle- the walkway into a church
crazyness- hectic

Cloze exercise:

1. ________________________ with old friends is so much fun, especially talking about all the good times that you used to have.
2. Calming down the bride on her wedding day will truly help calm down all the ____________________ going on everywhere else.
3. The ____________________ guy in the room was the of course my date.
4. The walk down the _______________ seems like a lifetime to the bride and groom.
5. During the wedding ceremony there is usually a lot of _______________.

Grammar Point:

Write about a time that you went through that may have been full of "crazyness," or that could have been a little stressful on you or others.


  1. Sounds great! I can't imagine what kind of fight broke out in the aisle during the ceremony!!

  2. You look lovely as does the entire cast of the "production." A few tears on a wedding day are quite normal, but the fight???
